Senate Republicans already have an Arizona problem they are trying to fix.
Their top GOP candidate, 2022 gubernatorial loser Kari Lake, isn’t polling well against the top Democratic candidate, Rep. Ruben Gallego, and independent incumbent Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona. In fact, one recent survey found Sinema, who is polling third in the contest, pulling more votes away from Lake than Gallego.
Noble Predictive Insights’ late October polling of the hypothetical three-way contest showed Gallego at 39%, Lake at 33%, and Sinema at 29%. Notably, Gallego inspired far more party loyalty than Lake, with Sinema drawing support from nearly twice as many Republican voters (23%) as Democrats (12%).
In early October, a Public Policy Polling survey commissioned by the Gallego campaign similarly showed him winning a 41% plurality of the vote to Lake’s 36%, with Sinema garnering just 15% of the vote. The same poll found a head-to-head favoring Gallego at 48% over Lake at 43%.
What makes the polling particularly ominous for Republicans is the fact that Lake is extremely well known by voters across the state after her high-profile but ultimately unsuccessful bid for governor last cycle. In other words, most voters have made up their mind about her.
That leaves Republicans with one chief tactic at this point: trying to drive down support for the other two candidates. Thus, the National Republican Senatorial Committee’s latest ad blasting Gallego’s personal life and tying Sinema’s voting record to President Joe Biden. The ad frames the choice facing voters as one between “Rotten Rubin,” who “abandoned” his pregnant wife when he filed for divorce, and Sinema, who “voted for Biden’s agenda 100% of the time.” The ad accuses Gallego of being a “deadbeat dad” without providing any evidence and slams Sinema as a “liberal Democrat.” Yikes, what could be worse?
But the main takeaway here is that Senate Republicans are already grasping at straws in order to prop up a Trump-aligned election denier who enters the race with high name ID and a boatload of baggage.
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