When Fox News watchers in Atlanta, Phoenix, and Milwaukee flip on their TVs this week, they will be treated to a 60-second reality check on all of Trump’s alleged criminality.
The never-Trump group Republican Accountability Project made a six-figure ad buy for a spot that revisits all four of Trump’s indictments in all their glory.
“When Donald Trump was president, he thought it didn’t matter how many laws and norms he broke. He thought it didn’t matter how many lies he told the American people, and it seemed like he could get away with anything.”
Trump’s incessant lying and alleged criming injected American politics with a culture of “nothing matters,” says the narrator as a montage of news anchors and analysts spew the phrase.
“But the rule of law still matters, and that’s why Donald Trump has been charged with 91 felonies,” states the narrator. Roll tape of Jan. 6 violence and pictures of document boxes adorning multiple areas of Mar-a-Lago.
“This is America,” says the narrator. “No one is above the law. That’s why it matters that Donald Trump faces consequences for his actions.”
The ad pulls no punches, in stark contrast to another recent ad from the group’s sister organization, Republican Accountability PAC, that featured two-time Trump voters praising Trump while also asserting he had too much baggage to be reelected.
Republican Accountability Project Political Director Gunner Ramer told Daily Kos the new ad is intended to help inform people who may not have followed Trump’s indictments as closely.
“What this is all about is a pure education campaign aimed at the places where democracy is on forefront,” Ramer said of the three markets RAP targeted.
Maricopa County, Atlanta, and Milwaukee are all areas where Trump and his allies worked feverishly to run interference on Trump’s 2020 loss, spread disinformation about the vote, and even attempt to overturn it.
“We identified markets in which we think democracy is going to play a pivotal role,” Ramer said. “Broadly speaking, the overall concept is, making it very clear all of the damage Trump has done for the average everyday American.”
In addition to the ad, the group purchased 60-second billboard spots in Times Square that scroll through all 91 of Trump’s criminal counts. New Yorkers and tourists alike will have the opportunity to drink in the world of legal trouble Trump is facing, just like Fox viewers will in Atlanta, Phoenix, and Milwaukee.
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We talk about the upcoming Republican presidential debate and how sad a situation it is. The Republican Party shot itself in the foot with a Trump-sized bullet, and now it’s stuck with him for the foreseeable future. We try to game out the possible paths the Republicans might take to rid themselves of The Donald.