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Some unsolicited advice for the Teflon Donald

Hey, Donald. How’s it hanging? Speaking of which, your attorneys might manage to produce a hung jury, but that’s a mighty big risk. If you’re convicted, attached to a guilty verdict could be a lot of years spent where the toilets are stainless steel, the TP single-ply, and the cheeseburgers infrequent.

Of course, many experts say that the requirement that you be permanently guarded by Secret Service personnel makes incarceration too difficult, so some form of house arrest might have to be worked out. You’ll excuse me if I think an ankle bracelet keeping you on the grounds of Mar-a-Lago where you hold court until the day you meet the Reaper is just not going to cut it. Confinement that isn’t like the gilded version of the luxurious prison scenes in “Goodfellas” ought to be a foregone conclusion if the jury says “guilty.” 

If you are convicted, I hope the sentence is worthy of the crimes. For you AND your cabal of would-be usurpers. Stewart Rhodes, another conniver who gave orders to others, got 18 years in the slammer. How does that strike you? Of course, I’m pretty sure you think your conspiracy was the bestest ever, so maybe add a few years for that? 

I’m dreaming, obviously. But beyond whether you wind up behind bars or in some joke of a prison, what I most want is for you to disappear.

Just vanish from all the media and internet coverage and from our daily, if not hourly, attention. We have a global crisis underway that requires more aggressive political, economic, and environmental action than we have so far seen if there is to be any hope of curtailing some of the worst impacts of climate change and the destruction of biodiversity. You are a distraction from that, Donald. As well as a ton of other issues that need serious attention. So I dream of multiple convictions before the election.

And I dream that the response of your devoted supporters if you are convicted will be peaceful. And that you will not spout some inciteful version of “there will be blood” to stir violent turmoil. That, instead, you will take it—as they told us when I was in reform school—like a man. 

But that’s a lot of dreaming. 

You could finally do the nation a service instead of always serving yourself at our expense. Plead guilty in exchange for exile and vow never to seek the presidency or any public office ever again. Ditch the comb-over, dye your hair, stuff some money in a backpack, and vanish. That’s what a dignified mob boss would do. 

You don’t have the guts, though. So you’ll fight it out with shenanigans to the end instead of admitting your obvious guilt. And you’ll be dominating the news for the next three years while the world burns and your progeny in the Republican Party keep trying to undermine every effort at addressing the climate emergency. You could do your part for America and for the Earth, Donald, if you would make a deal and just get the fuck out of sight. Say, an uninhabited island in the Maldives. I don’t really care. 


August 2023