Home » House Defense Bill Keeps Troop Testosterone Study While Ditching Access To Abortion

House Defense Bill Keeps Troop Testosterone Study While Ditching Access To Abortion

In the controversial defense bill the House passed last week, travel allowances for soldiers needing access to abortion and other reproductive services were to it, the episode with the famous trailer depicting “testicle tanning.”

“Chemical and pharmaceutical companies are poisoning us, but you’re not allowed to notice this is happening,” Tucker said in the special.

“No one in Washington seems interested at all,” he said. “It’s a joke to them.”

Worries about testosterone levels have led to a market for often fraudulent supplements, and the Food and Drug Administration has said supplements should be restricted to men whose lack of testosterone was due to specific causes.

“Aging men can also experience signs and symptoms such as decreases in energy level and problems with sexual function, but it is uncertain whether these are caused by the lowered testosterone levels or due to normal aging,” the FDA said.
