Home » It’s Halloween?! How the Bizarre Time Jumps Save ‘And Just Like That’

It’s Halloween?! How the Bizarre Time Jumps Save ‘And Just Like That’

It’s at this point in the summer, when the heat becomes unrelenting and our electric bills are through the roof due to excessive AC usage, that we start daydreaming about fall. The leaves turning colors, hot cider (warmed in your own microwave, like a heathen), and turning the AC up a few degrees—you know, because climate change has made autumns more balmy than crisp.

But those are just fantasies, little joyful reveries that we keep tucked in our pocket while we try to forget the fact that our shirts are hermetically stuck to our backs. When the autumn we’re yearning finally arrives, we’ll probably think, “Wow, it seems like just last week that I was dripping with sweat, wishing it could be October.”

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