Home » Ron DeSantis Goes Woke Happy At Moms For Tyranny Summit

Ron DeSantis Goes Woke Happy At Moms For Tyranny Summit

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis gave a ‘woke’-obsessed rant throughout his speech at the Moms for Tyranny Liberty Joyful Warriors Summit Friday.

Designated as a extremist group by the Southern Poverty Law Center is holding a Joyful Warriors Summit and Republicans are flocking there to speak, including the Tangerine Wankmaggot.

DeSantis was very happy to spew his nonsensical ravings about wokeism destroying America.

What’s woke?

When woke ideology overtakes education, our students become dumber as a result of that.

When woke ideology overtakes criminal justice, the average citizen becomes less safe as a result of that.

And so this is an important fight, and in Florida we fought the woke all across the board, and as president, I will fight the woke in the corporations, I will fight the woke in the schools, I will fight the woke in the halls of Congress.

We will never ever surrender to the woke mob.

We are going to leave woke ideology in the dustbin of history where it belongs.

Woke is now being defined as any center-left policy, idea, legislation, political rival, or civil rights organization. What it really is, is any policy, legislation, social movement or civil rights idea that supports people of color.

Moms For Liberty, billed as a parents rights group, came to light after their outbursts at local school board meetings while attacking mask mandates and critical race theory in classrooms, a thing which doesn’t exist, but they act more like a Christian Nationalist group spewing anti-LGBTQ+ and racial hatred while censoring and banning books everywhere.

What’s next on their agenda?

Refusing to serve Blacks in diners?

Hunting down drag performers? Oh wait, they’re already doing that.
