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Oh Joe, Sometimes You’re Just A Little Too Optimistic

President Joe Biden warned yesterday that expanding the Supreme Court in the wake of its latest controversial decision would risk further politicizing the institution. (Further, Joe? How much worse does it get when Leonard Leo walks up to a Supreme Court justice and inserts cash like they’re a vending machine?) Via The Hill:

Biden, in an interview with MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace, was asked if the 6-3 conservative majority on the high court is “too young and too conservative” and could do too much harm to the country with its rulings.

“I think they may do too much harm,” Biden said. “But I think if we start the process of trying to expand the court, we’re going to politicize it maybe forever in a way that’s not healthy.”

“Maybe it’s just the optimist in me — I think that some of the court are beginning to realize their legitimacy is being questioned in ways that it hadn’t been questioned in the past,” Biden added, suggesting Chief Justice John Roberts is among those weighing that.
