Home » Jan 6th Insurrectionist Arrested Near Obama’s DC House With Explosives

Jan 6th Insurrectionist Arrested Near Obama’s DC House With Explosives

A frightening scene unfolded in Washington, DC near Former President Obama’s Kalorama house. CBS News is reporting that a 37 year old man who has an active warrant related to the January 6th insurrection was arrested by the Secret Service just blocks from the Obama’s home. The man, Taylor Taranto, was within blocks of the Obama home and allegedly had a van filled with “multiple weapons and the materials to make some kind of explosive device akin to a Molotov cocktail.”

Apparently this man had been camping out in Washington in his van near the jail which houses many of the January 6th defendants and had made “threats” during livestreams on social media recently. He also had an open warrant related to the January 6th insurrection.

More details came out on twitter:

What I want to know is this: if the police knew who he was AND he had an active warrant, why was he not arrested before this incident outside the Obamas’ home???

Regardless, he is off the street now and is facing a litany of charges. Let’s see how he likes DC jail from the inside.
