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Wisconsin Lawmaker: Contraception Makes Women Too Uppity

Earlier this week, Wisconsin lawmakers overwhelmingly passed a bill, with bipartisan support, that would allow pharmacists to prescribe some forms of birth control without the woman needing to see her doctor first.

Support for the bill was so overwhelming that only 11 Republicans voted against it. One of them was self-proclaimed “demon fighter” State Representative Chuck Wichgers. In the debate leading up to the vote, Wichgers spoke against the bill in a rambling, confused fashion, prattling off a cornucopia of irrational reasons why he was against women having access to any contraception.

Wichgers cited anonymous religious leaders (undoubtedly fellow Christofascists) who claimed that contraception led to an increase in infidelity; government control of people’s family planning choices (making people take contraceptives against their will); the proliferation of STDs; men devaluing women and women thinking that they are more powerful than nature. He explained the last one by saying that when a woman becomes pregnant, that’s nature taking its course and a woman who takes a contraceptive is trying to deny nature. Funny thing is that he never addressed the times where “nature” occurred because of incest and/or rape. Wonder why that is….

I wonder if Wichger’s head would explode if someone told him that a woman was pregnant with a demon spawn?
