Home » Trump Admits Guilt During Asinine Speech Post-Arraignment

Trump Admits Guilt During Asinine Speech Post-Arraignment

Donald Trump told his supporters the reason he refused to return dozens of boxes and kept top secret documents was because going through them all was a tedious job and he has a very busy life.

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell made sure to point out that Trump read this defense from a teleprompter, which means his words wasn’t an improvised rant, but was a thought out response to his indictment.

“Donald Trump finally, after two and a half years, of thinking about it, has come up with a motive for why he illegally took classified documents and other government documents when he left the presidency,” O’Donnell explained.

(Cue video)

“Many people have asked me why I been had these boxes. Why did you want that?” Trump said. “The answer, in addition to having every right under the Presidential Records Act, is that these boxes were containing all types of personal belongings. Many, many things. Shirts, and shoes, and everything.”

(Here’s the hilarious part.)

“I hadn’t had a chance to go through all the boxes. It’s a long, tedious job, takes a long time. Which I was prepared to do, but I have a very busy life. I’ve had a very busy life.”

(Cue the laugh track)

I fell off my couch in laughter and called Karoli after I watched this to tell her Trump just admitted his guilt on TV.

Former FBI General Counsel Andrew Weissman was appalled.

“So, one thing it’s important for everyone to know is those statements that you just played are admissible as admissions, regardless of whether Donald Trump takes the stand or not,” Weissmann said. “Those are admissions. So, that is part of what he said is just a straight-out confession. It’s not a defense. It’s confession.

Every ludicrous argument and defense the MAGA cult and Trump’s media advocates put forth are now rendered moot.

Who knew being “too busy” was a proper legal defense for refusing to return top secret documents relating to our national security?

