Home » The ‘Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse’ Cameos Will Break Your Brain

The ‘Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse’ Cameos Will Break Your Brain

With great power comes great responsibility, and with great Spider-Man movies come even greater cameos. If as that film’s version of Aaron, which means he could have come from MCU Peter Parker’s (Tom Holland) Earth, Earth-199999.

We’ve only ever seen Glover’s version of Prowler in the MCU—until now. So, is this a Sony exclusive version of the character? Sony characters like Venom and Eddie (it always comes back to Venom and Eddie) have bounced into the MCU, so perhaps it’s time for MCU characters to take their turn at popping into the Sony world. Michael Keaton’s Vulture appeared in both Homecoming and the post-credits scene for Sony’s Morbius. Meanwhile, J.K. Simmons has played J. Jonah Jameson across every single universe in the multiverse, no matter MCU or Sony—so maybe Glover is following suit, and this is a Sony-exclusive version of Prowler.

Even without confirmation that this is the MCU’s Prowler or a Holland appearance alongside him, Across the Spider-Verse is not without its appearances from historic live-action Spider-Men, though. Though not in full-on cameos, Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire’s takes on the character separately appear in flashback sequences, featuring brief clips from their prior movies. As we’re gearing up for the next part of this multiverse mayhem—Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse—hopefully we can expect wild new cameos. Earth-199999, Miles is coming for you.
