Home » Marge Wants To Tear Down Entire US Justice Agencies

Marge Wants To Tear Down Entire US Justice Agencies

Continuing right-wing assault on intelligence and law enforcement agencies because Trump was so corrupt, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene called them all “rotten to the core.”

The QAnon Klan mom told Seditious Steve Bannon that she wants to tear down the entire justice system.

“I’d cut a whole lot more I can back in name some agencies with three letters that i would cut right away and i think they deserve it,” Marge said.

“You would defund the FBI, you would defund the DOJ, you defund the CIA and starts, say ‘hey you guys get come and show what you’re really doing for the American people not against the American people?” Bannon slobbered.

When Bannon mentions the American people, he only means Trump.

“Well to quote a great, great man I would say we need to splinter it into a thousand pieces not just the CIA, the FBI, the DOJ,” she exclaimed. “Yeah, they need to be ripped down, but then they need to be rebuilt, correctly. They are rotten to the core, Steve. Rotten to the core.”

The only things rotten to the core in this clip are Marge and Bannon.
