Home » Trump Urges Letting The Economy Crash Over GOP Spending Cuts

Trump Urges Letting The Economy Crash Over GOP Spending Cuts

So Trump thinks it’s okay to destroy the nation’s economy and roll over on Republican cuts to senior and veterans, because, well, that’s who he is. Just in case you forgot, America was reminded last night of how crude, stupid, and single-minded he is. If it’s good for Trump, it’s good for America. Last night’s CNN town hall with him and Kaitlan Collins was a reminder.

A woman in the audience asked, “What do you think about the United States current debt situation and how can we move forward?

“Such an important question,” Trump said.

“So we’re at thirty-three trillion dollars, a number that nobody ever thought possible. When we had our economy rocking and rolling just prior to covid coming in, like literally, we were making a fortune. And oil… we’re gonna make so much money from oil, we’re gonna start paying off debt. But then with covid coming in, and we had to do other things we had to keep this country alive because it was so serious. But we have to get the country back.

“We have to lower energy prices. We have to lower interest rates, interest rates are through the roof. Energy has to come down.

“It all has to come down and we have to start paying off debt. But when we have a debt limit and they use that very seriously. They came in, Schumer came in with Nancy Pelosi and they were using a real “violate it.” We’ll do whatever.

“They talked a whole lot different than they do right now. I say to the Republicans out there, congressmen, senators, if they don’t give you massive cuts, you’re gonna have to do a default and I don’t believe they’re going to do a default because I think the Democrats will absolutely cave. Because you don’t want to have that happen, but it’s better than what we’re doing right now. Because we’re spending money like drunken sailors,” said the man who gave out tax cuts to his wealthy pals like a drunken sailor.

“So just to be clear. Mr. President, you think the U.S. should default if the White House does not agree to the spending cuts,” Collins said.

“We might as well do it now because you’ll do it later. Because we have to save this country. Our country is dying. Our country is being destroyed by stupid people, by very stupid people. ,” he said. (Yes, it is. By you and your devoted followers.)

“You once said that using the debt ceiling as a negotiating wedge just could not happen. You said that when you were in the Oval Office. So why is it different now that you’re out of office?”

“Because now I’m not president.” Duh. L’État, c’est moi!

“Our country is being destroyed by stupid people, by very stupid people.” Well, he did get one thing right. Fortunately, his support outside the Republican party is shrinking.
