Home » Steven Crowder Appears to Issue Veiled Threat in Response to Abuse Claims

Steven Crowder Appears to Issue Veiled Threat in Response to Abuse Claims

Conservative media pundit Steven Crowder took to Twitter late Friday to apparently vow retaliation for the release of footage purportedly showing him verbally abusing his now ex-wife.

Crowder did not comment on the video directly but said that in response to “recent misleadingly edited leaks to the tabloid press,” he has filed a motion to unseal all legal records in his divorce. His comments appeared to come in response to claims that he emotionally abused his wife, Hilary Crowder, with whom he has been in divorce proceedings since 2021.

A day earlier, video was released that showed him slinging aggressive, threatening statements at his then-pregnant wife. In that video, released by Hilary’s family via writer Yashar Ali, Crowder can be seen forbidding her from using their car and demanding “discipline and respect,” while berating her for not doing “wifely things.”

“Watch it. Watch it. Fucking watch it,” he replies after she tells him his “abuse is sick.”

In a statement, Hilary’s family said she had “spent years hiding Steven’s mentally and emotionally abusive behavior from her friends and family while she attempted to save their marriage.”

Crowder said he now plans to unseal documents concerning “finances, relevant medical records concerning mental health history or evaluations, depositions, and any motions or sanctions from the courts of Texas.”

His statement comes one day after he accused Candace Owens—a fellow conservative media figurehead—of threatening to leak information on his divorce.
