Home » This 150-Year-Old Anti-Vice Law Is Now At The Center Of The Push To Ban Abortion

This 150-Year-Old Anti-Vice Law Is Now At The Center Of The Push To Ban Abortion

As rules allowing the distribution of the abortion drug mifepristone move rapidly toward the Supreme Court, the anti-abortion movement is turning a Victorian era anti-vice law designed to control public morality through the policing of mail.

In their decisions restricting the distribution of mifepristone, .

“For Democrats, there is no losing on a repeal proposal because, even if Republicans won’t vote for this, it would be great to get them on the record about why it’s a good idea to have a law that says you can’t mail any drug intended or adapted for abortion, including non-abortion drugs, from the moment of fertilization,” Ziegler said. “Because that is 100% not where the American people are on this.”

If not, Dickson promises that the Comstock Act will force the hands of abortion providers to shut down entirely.

“When I’m reading these court opinions, I’m seeing that what is happening is the abortion industry is going to be Comstocked,” Dickson said. “The abortion industry cannot escape this federal law — this de facto federal abortion ban. Sooner or later, the Comstock Act will catch up with the abortion industry.”
