Home » Florida Lawmaker Brutally Explains Why DeSantis Can Never ‘Out-Trump’ Trump

Florida Lawmaker Brutally Explains Why DeSantis Can Never ‘Out-Trump’ Trump

Florida state Rep. Anna Eskamani (D) said Gov. Ron DeSantis should not attempt to match Republican rival Donald Trump’s extremism ― and got her point across like a talk show comedian. (Watch the video below.)

“DeSantis is trying to ‘out-Trump’ Trump and so to do that, you have to be as extreme as possible,” she said on CNN Saturday. “Now, I would argue that unless you’ve been indicted and have led an insurrection, you can’t ‘out-Trump’ Trump.”

“It is not only unpopular among the general electorate, we had several Republicans vote no on this ban on the House floor, and some walked away so they wouldn’t have to vote,” she said. “So the legislature knows that this will lead to lost seats and what gives me hope is the people of Florida rising up in opposition to this.”

Eskamani accused DeSantis of “trying to trick voters into seeing him as viable on a national stage and I think we’re seeing that that’s not the case and that he doesn’t have a path to victory.”
