Home » Dem Demands Jordan’s Hearing Move To Crime-Ridden Ohio

Dem Demands Jordan’s Hearing Move To Crime-Ridden Ohio

During testimony from Rep. Jordan’s kangaroo hearing on Violent Crime in Manhattan, Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI) called for a parliamentary inquiry to move the hearing from Manhattan to the state of Ohio, which has a much higher crime rate than New York.

Chairman Jordan brought the Judiciary Committee to Manhattan today in an effort to undermine Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s case against Donald Trump.

Hey Gym, isn’t that obstruction of justice?

After hearing actual data that proves New York is a much safer state than many red states, David Cicilline jumped in.

“Mr. Chairman, parliamentary inquiry?” Cicilline asked. “Mr. Chairman, parliamentary inquiry is in light of the testimony you just heard. What is the mechanism for the Committee to transfer this hearing to Ohio where the crime rate is significantly greater than here in New York?” Rep. Cicilline stated.

“Not a parliamentary inquiry.,” Chairman Jordan replied.

“It is a, I’m asking parliamentarians, how do we move the venue so we can have a hearing in a city or state that has a serious crime problem? The State of Ohio,” Cicilline said.

With egg on his face, the Chairman of the Committee responded.

“No, not a proper state of parliamentary inquiry,” Jordan said. “The gentleman’s time is expired.”

“Appeal the ruling of the chair,” Cicilline asked.

Rep. Jordan denied the request.

In less than 30 seconds, Rep. Cicilline showed the absurdity of Chairman Jordan and his entire Violent Crime hearing.
