Home » Witness calls ‘b——-’ on Trump’s claims people were ‘crying’ at arraignment

Witness calls ‘b——-’ on Trump’s claims people were ‘crying’ at arraignment

At the beginning of the interview with Carlson, Trump claimed:

“When they signed me in, and I’ll tell you, people were crying, people that work there, professionally work there, that have no problems putting in murderers, and they see everybody. It’s a tough, tough place, and they were crying. They were actually crying. They said, ‘I’m sorry.’ They said, ‘2024, sir. 2024.’ And tears were pouring down their eyes. I’ve never seen anything like it before.”

Truly unbelievable. Like, if you told it to me one million times I wouldn’t believe you. Like, it defies everything I know about the world and reality and if it had happened that way my brain might explode and leave me in a heap on the floor. But I guess we just have to take Donald Trump’s word for it? Nope.

According to journalist Michael Isikoff, his source was on hand for Trump’s arraignment and told the reporter that not only was Trump misrepresenting the approximately 57-minute booking experience, but Donald Trump’s story, according to the source, was “Absolute BS.” In this context, “BS” means “bullshit.” In fact, “There were zero people crying. There were zero people saying ‘I’m sorry.’” In this context “zero” means 0.00 or the absence of even a single person.

The source’s description highlights Trump absolute detachment from reality, because that source confirmed that Trump and his people had very limited interaction with any employees at the courthouse. According to the source, the only thing that was even slightly out of the ordinary from any run-of-the-mill booking was that Trump’s “fingers were too dry for his fingerprinting, at which point district attorney employees provided lotion for his fingers.” Yikes. Get that moisturizer on, Donald!

Enjoy watching Trump just plagiarize his own lies. It’s sort of like watching a fake-tanned snake eat poop out of its own butt.


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