Home » Right Wing TV Host: Girls Are Being Brainwashed By Mario Brothers To Get Raped

Right Wing TV Host: Girls Are Being Brainwashed By Mario Brothers To Get Raped

Anna Perez, former Real America’s Voice host who claimed Trump was raided by the FBI because the deep state is protecting pedophiles, took a disturbing view on “little girls.”

Anna Perez is doing a podcast on LAFTV.us, apparently another crank right-wing outfit.

Right Wing Watch, “Perez is furious that Princess Peach in the new Super Mario Bros. movie is not portrayed as “a helpless princess”: “Young women see stuff like this and it just brainwashes them to be a feminist.”

Perez is blaming women for being raped because they watch fantasy programs.

“It’s just some dumb movie. But you should care, and here’s why.”

“Because what they are doing is they’re trying to brainwash society to think that that’s how women are supposed to be.

“And this is dangerous, because then we have women who go out there who think they’re men, and they wind up getting hurt. They wind up getting raped.”

“They wind up getting, because this is, who’s going to consume this content?”

“Well, young kids, right?”

(Watching Princess Peach is a different kind of grooming for the MAGA cult.)

“It’s a cartoon — But the reality is, this has actual ramifications on society. Young women see stuff like this, and it just brainwashes them to be a feminist, to be a bad-ass feminist.”

“And it’s not realistic. Women are not as strong as men.”

“Women aren’t the ones who are going to go out there and be like, watch this. Let me kick ass. This bad-ass bitch culture is actually ruining women, and it’s ruining society, and nobody knows where they stand anymore.”

“So actually, it has real consequences. I’m sick and tired of seeing unrealistic things like that.”

“Please make her a helpless princess again, OK?” Perez pleaded.

Wow. I mean, just wow.

Making little girls feel helpless, afraid, powerless, unimportant, unnecessary, unintelligent is Anna Perez’s agenda.

The most a little girl can hope for in Perez’s world vision is to find a man, (hopefully he’s rich), get married, have babies, bake cookies, host parties, have sex whenever the man wants to, and keep quiet when told to.

What happened to the American Dream? Oh, all girls need not apply.

That’s an America existed decades ago. What a horrible place to live in for a child.

The USWMT are awesome.

Maybe Perez should watch a Youtube of fighters like:
Amanda Nunes.
Ronda Rousey.
Cris Cyborg. …
Joanna Jedrzejczyk. …
Valentina Shevchenko. …
Rose Namajunas. …
Holly Holm. …
Miesha Tate.

These ladies definitely kick ass.

What about Dr. Shirley Jackson, Marie Curie, Maria Telkes, Ann Tsukamoto, Maria Beasley, and Stephanie Kwolek to name a few.
