Home » Stew Peters Celebrates Uganda Criminalizing LGBTQ Community

Stew Peters Celebrates Uganda Criminalizing LGBTQ Community

Stew Peters, anti-vax, homophobic, white and Christian nationalist celebrated Uganda for passing the harshest LGBTQ legislation so far.

Uganda has been attacking the community for years now and has been celebrated by the radical Christian right. (that has become the modern GOP) On March 21st, Uganda passed a law criminalizing a person who just to identifies as LGBTQ.

Reuters reports that 30 African countries, including Uganda, already ban same-sex relations.

The new law appears to be the first to outlaw merely identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ), according to rights group Human Rights Watch.”

So, scumbag Stew Peters was Johnny-on-the-sport with his vicious take.

“There are a lot of Christians in the world,” Peters said, “But there’s only a handful of countries that actually still pass laws reflecting Christian teachings.”

When has it ever been a Christian teaching to criminalize the LGBTQ community? Is it in the Bible?

“Uganda’s legislature just approved a new law; that law criminalizes gay marriage and the homosexual lifestyle and imposes the death penalty for pedophiles,” Peters said, implying that only the LGBTQ community are pedos. That’s a lie.

“Yes, it’s now illegal, it’s a crime to be a depraved and demonic Hershey-highway-riding, pillow-biting butt-pirate and if you touch our kids, we’ll kill you. Perfect. Absolutely based. One hundred percent awesome,” Peters said.

What a guy.

Right Wing Watch captured his hatred and described Peters this way: Peters—a virulently anti-LGBTQ bigot who regularly uses his nightly program, speeches, and social media accounts to spread wild conspiracy theories, bigotry, and calls for violence.

Tucker Carlson is now transmitting Stew’s hatred in prime time.

How long will it be until CPAC announces a conference in Uganda?

Their hatred is palpable.


March 2023