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Ron Johnson Is Still A Russian Asset

Senator Ron Johnson went on Fox Sunday Futures and spoke with Maria Bartiromo.

These two reprobates started with a great display of patriotism by badmouthing Biden and listing the GOP talking points which is nothing more than a litany of all the things they perceive to be a problem, whether they were outdated or even outright false. This led them to the subject of the Russian war against Ukraine where RoJo showed that his loyalty still lied with Mother Russia and Papa Putin:

RoJo: Well, one of the problems with the war in Ukraine is it’s depleting our stockpile of munitions. The House — we’re engaged in war games during their retreat and that Wall Street Journal piece said one of the results is we could deplete ourselves of long range anti-ship missiles in a day of fighting.. Again, we need to be sure we can defend our own nation before we start beating the drums of war around the world. .The best way to counter all this is to strengthen America, solve our debt and deficit issues, strengthen our economy, provide better jobs to Americans, end inflation, and we’re going the exact opposite direction under the Biden administration.

Maria: Senator, it feels that that Ron DeSantis lost some leadership in the polls after he a made the comment about Ukraine. Look at this poll — look at this poll, and this is a likely matchup, of course, we’re waiting to hear from the Governor of Florida as far as when he will enter this race. He joined me two weeks ago and wouldn’t go there. but you’ve got the 2024 Republican primary race with Donald Trump all the way up to a 54%, Ron DeSantis at 26%, and this is after the governor made comments about Ukraine. You feel the same way, you don’t think we should be sending all this money to Ukraine, right?

RoJo: Well, I mean, there’s no doubt about the fact that nobody wants to provide aid and comfort to Putin. He’s committing war crimes. That being said, I think most people are highly sympathetic with Ukrainians. They’re defending their freedom, their children, their territory. But I will say back here, many in Wisconsin, the war in Ukraine is not a popular thing. And, again, I’ve got to — I don’t see, i don’t see this getting better day after day. There may have been a situation where we prevented Putin from invading. I don’t think he would have done so under Trump, but under Biden’s weakness he did. Once invaded, once we were not able to repel him initially, now this just grinds down because nobody’s going to be bombing Moscow cities to reduce the popular support for the war in Russia, and you just grind Ukraine down, you just destroy it bit by bit, kill more people, I don’t see this getting better. At some point in time, you have to recognize reality of the situation and act accordingly.

Let’s put aside all the GOP talking points he ran down, since they were just so much made up bullshit. Same with DeathSantis. That’s just Fox trying to hedge their bets regarding TFG.

But if RoJo the Surrender Monkey spent any time in Wisconsin – y’know, the state he supposedly represents – instead of his vacation home in Florida or in his home away from home, Moscow, he would have known that Wisconsinites are very much in favor of helping out Ukraine. The most recent Marquette poll shows that only 29% think that the US is providing too much aid to Ukraine. Another 46% felt that it was about the right amount and 24% wanted to see even more help going there.

Geez, this is going to be a long six years. RoJo could have at least waited six months before renewing his fealty to Russia.


March 2023