Home » That Time Tucker Carlson Cited The New York Times As Model Media

That Time Tucker Carlson Cited The New York Times As Model Media

Tucker Carlson. Can’t live with him. Can’t, well….

The moments of Tucker Carlson hypocrisy are so legion, you’d need a week straight of no-sleep, Clockwork Orange-type pinning-your-eyes-open to see them all. But this unbelievable moment from Swanson Heir Stazi, well, it takes the cake.

Here is Tucker a dozen or so years ago, predicting… himself! You may not know this, but Tucker first intended to run the Daily Caller as a legit news operation. Until he found out conservatives were only interested in propaganda!

“If you create a news organization whose primary objective is not to deliver accurate news, you will fail. You will fail. The New York Times is a liberal paper, but it’s also, and it is to its core, a liberal paper. It’s also a paper that cares about whether they spell people’s names right. By and large, it’s a paper that actually cares about accuracy…”

First, I’d argue he was being much too kind to the New York Times. But the beginning of his statement was spot on, and predicted where he finds himself now: Only able to succeed in a universe of make-believe, where he destroys people’s lives and American institutions.

There’s more from Tucker in this video at the Blue Amp Channel.

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March 2023