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Not Tired Of Winning: Dem Trounces In NH Special

When Democrats work together, Dems win.

Democrat Chuck Grassie won a state house race in a special election in February. 56% to 44%.

And this was a special election that almost didn’t happen. David Nir at Daily Kos reports:

New Hampshire has traditionally held special elections to resolve tied legislative contests, and after November’s deadlock, Republicans signaled their intent to follow precedent. But on the day lawmakers convened in December to address the matter, the GOP’s official Twitter account shot off a tweet congratulating “Rep. David Walker,” revealing the party’s plan to use its majority to simply seat Walker as the winner of the race for Strafford County District 8.

The premature celebration and attepted power-grab may have backfired, as a handful of Republicans joined with Democrats to vote down a GOP proposal to dispense with the planned special. That set the stage for Tuesday’s election, which ensured Walker won’t be adding “Rep.” before his name any time soon. The result also represented a considerable overperformance for Democrats: While Joe Biden carried the district (known locally as Rochester Ward 4) by about 5 points, Grassie’s 12-point win means, with rounding, that he ran 7 points ahead of the president—a welcome sign for Democrats, especially since turnout was more than 50% of November’s.

This was about grassroots outrage at Republicans pretending they could appoint one of their own rather than let the voters decide. Postcards to Voters made a difference, and also joined in the celebration:

And yes, abortion was also on the ballot:

May New Hampshire’s state house FLIP in the coming few years!


February 2023