Home » Joe Biden’s Annual Physical Shows Him ‘Healthy And Vigorous’

Joe Biden’s Annual Physical Shows Him ‘Healthy And Vigorous’

White House physician Kevin O’Connor released his medical findings on president Biden and they were excellent.

“President Biden remains a healthy, vigorous 80-year-old male, who is fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency,” White House physician Kevin O’Connor said in a five-page memo.

O’Connor said his assessment was based on a “comprehensive review” of Biden’s medical history and a detailed physical examination that included specialty consultations at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland.

As usual Fox News used the report to imply that Biden is mentally impaired.

Regarding the infamous “mental test’ that Trump has claimed was perfect:

Like the memory question. It is like you will go person, woman, man, camera, tv. So could you repeat that? I said, yeah. person, woman, man, camera, tv. Okay, that is very good.

Twenty-seven million Americans saw President Biden deliver an excellent State of the Union speech.

And as for Biden’s mental acuity, when Biden discussed how the GOP plans to cut our safety nets, he then schooled them on negotiations in front of said millions of people.

When Republicans like Marge yelled he was a liar, the president went off script and improvised in such a way that he got the entire Republican chamber to abandon all their hopes for cutting Medicare and Social Security to ribbons.

“So folks, as we all apparently agree, Social Security and Medicare is off the books now, right?” Biden said, in reference to the debt ceiling negotiations, which was met with cheers. “We’ve got unanimity.”

“So tonight, let’s all agree — and we apparently are — let’s stand up for seniors,” Biden said. “Stand up and show them we will not cut Social Security. We will not cut Medicare.”

Jimmy Kimmel weighed in.

Joe Biden’s triathlete-level cardiovascular health, perfectly tapered bowel movements, and John Henry steel-driving erections would be the envy of any man his or any age — even a big chubby one who cheats at golf. So I think you’d read between the lines there. Down in Mar-A-Lago, Fatty Shack is still in the rough from a legal standpoint.


February 2023