Home » George Santos And His Unending Bullsh*t

George Santos And His Unending Bullsh*t

If you’re like me you’ve been watching Natasha Lyonne in her new weekly series on Peacock called Poker Face. In it, she plays a poker player with an uncanny ability to detect when someone is lying, a skill that comes in handy at the poker table until her luck runs out and she runs afoul of a casino magnate and has to go on the lam, which she does, travelling around the United States, solving murders a la Columbo, the old 70s tv series which works as the inspiration for this one.

One can only imagine what her character would think whenever George Santos opens his mouth, as in the series Natasha Lyonne’s character usually just blurts out “bullshit!” immediately when she hears someone telling a lie.

Source: Fox5, New York

NEW YORK – Rep. George Santos gave an exclusive interview to FOX 5 News on Thursday to answer questions about his finances and an ethics investigation. But he only gave 5 minutes for the interview and had a timer sound when the 5 minutes was over.

When asked by Jodi Goldberg to comment on a recent report claiming that more than $365,000 is missing from his campaign filings, Santos pleaded ignorance.

“I don’t know about any missing money. That’s news to me,” Santos said.

Ok, that’s bullshit.

Santos also said he loaned $705,000 from his personal finances to his campaign and doesn’t understand why anyone would make a big deal about it.

“I continue to not understand why there is this enormous inquisition and inquiry into my business practices and the legitimacy of it. I’ve operated honestly,” Santos said.

More bullshit. The guy who couldn’t afford a funeral for his own mother a few years later can loan his campaign $700k. Yeah, right.

As for all the $199 expenses on his campaign finance disclosures, just short of the amount that would require itemized receipts, he claimed they could simply be clerical mistakes.

“No one more than me wants those rectified if there is any discrepancy. I want those rectified. I’m the person of interest who want them rectified immediately,” Santos said.

And obviously still more bullshit. Politico found almost all politicians didn’t have even a single $199 expense in their records. Santos had over 40 of them, in what Politico called “a statistical improbability.”

And because I’m sick of George Santos and all the enablers who keep him in Congress, here are a couple of Natasha Lyonne/Poker Face tweets instead.


February 2023