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Rick Scott Embraces His Social Security Lies

Florida Senator Rick Scott equated Social Security and Medicare to funding the Department of Defense and said he’s not for reducing benefits, but in the same breath croaked that the federal debt is too high.

“What do we do on Defense? There’s no 40-year plan for defense. There’s no 100-year plan for defense. Every year we go through the defense budget,” Scott said.

Americans pay into Social Security, it’s not funded by Congress like the Defense Department or Department of Education.

“I don’t believe we should ever be reducing Medicare of Social Security benefits, but guess what?” he asked. “31.5 trillion worth of debt. When we get to 45 trillion of debt, is somebody going to take it seriously and say how do we preserve these programs?”

Social Security does not add to the federal debt, you f**king liar.

“Tell them how they are going to preserve these programs and get our fiscal house in order, which is the only way to preserve those programs,” he lied.

Scott proclaimed the safety nets can’t get in order until the federal deficit is under control. Another bald-faced lie.

Scott’s way to repackage benefits is to claim he’s just preserving the program.

To wrap up the interview, Scott pushed the same lie like some conservative zombie that’s been debunked many times on credible political talk shows.

“The Democrats just cut $280 billion out of Medicare back in September. And every Democrat voted for it. Joe Biden signed it. So this is just political got you up here,” he lied.

Democrats and Biden saved 280 billion dollars by lowering the coasts of prescription drugs. It wasn’t a cut to people’s benefits. No one lost anything. Except maybe Big Pharma.

Here’s Chuck Todd calling him out on his lies.

You’re playing a math game,” Todd interrupted. “You are playing a math game here, Senator. Senator, you’re playing a math game here. You’re playing a math game. [Democrats] didn’t cut anything on Medicare. It’s cost savings having to do with the prescription drug benefit.”

“Look, I understand you want to call it something else,” the host added.

“If you cut spending on Medicare, it’s probably going to impact the ability of somebody to provide things,” Scott protested.

“I will remember that when you guys claim a Medicare cut isn’t a cut,” Todd shot back.


February 2023