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Live updates: Super Bowl 2023 Eagles vs Chiefs news and highlights


  • The campaign has connections to anti-LGBTQ and anti-abortion laws: The campaign is a subsidiary of The Servant Foundation, also known as the Signatry. According to research compiled by Jacobin, a left-leaning news outlet, The Servant Foundation has donated tens of millions to the Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative Christian legal group. The ADF has been involved in several legislative pushes to curtail LGBTQ rights and quash non-discrimination legislation in the Supreme Court. And donors include Hobby Lobby co-founder David Green, whose company has famously been involved in legal battles on LGBTQ rights and contraception coverage.
  • The campaign is tied to evangelical churches: The group says it has no political affiliation or tie to a specific church denomination. But it has theological ties to evangelical practices, as well as financial ones. That includes its stated affirmation of the Lausanne Covenant, a unifying document in evangelical churches, and affiliations with prominent evangelical leader Billy Graham. In general, Christian evangelism is closely tied to conservatism and is an extremely influential force in American politics.
  • Some religious critics say the campaign is inauthentic: Word of the campaign has sparked enthusiasm among some Christian groups and influencers online. But other Christians, including those in the growing deconstruction movement who are reevaluating their relationship with religion, see red flags in some of the campaign’s messaging, including an allusion to “cancel culture.” Christians have also criticized the ads from a different perspective, saying it is too vague or de-emphasizes Biblical teachings.


February 2023