Home » Romney To Santos: ‘You Don’t Belong Here’

Romney To Santos: ‘You Don’t Belong Here’

Senator Mitt Romney was not happy that George Santos – or whatever his real name is – was at SOTU much less that Santos was sitting on an aisle trying to glad hand everyone who walked by, including the president. And Romney had no problem telling Santos that he did not belong there.

“He says he, you know, that he embellished his record. Look, embellishing is saying you got an A when you got an A-,” the senator said. “Lying is saying you graduated from a college that you didn’t even attend and he shouldn’t be in Congress.”

“And they’re gonna go through the process and hopefully get him out. .. But he shouldn’t be there and if he had any shame at all, he wouldn’t be there.”

Romney added that he was disappointed that Squeaker Kevin McQarthy hadn’t asked Santos to resign yet.

Then to prove that he is not just a compulsive liar but also an emotionally stunted one, Santos later sent this petulant tweet to Romney:

Boy, that’s sure telling him!

Given the Republicans’ track record for holding their own accountable, I would not put money on Santos getting ousted. But if, by some fluke of nature, the Republicans do the responsible thing, we can rest assured that Marge Taylor Greene Sporkfoot and Lauren Boebert will miss him. He’s the only one that can make them look almost like functional adults. (Please note: I said almost!)


February 2023