Home » Trump Bashes ‘Disloyal’ Evangelical Leaders

Trump Bashes ‘Disloyal’ Evangelical Leaders

On the David Brody podcast, The Water Cooler, Trump blamed evangelicals and their leaders for not doing more in the 2022 midterms and called them “disloyal” for not endorsing him for 2024.

CBN’s David Brody, who has a Christian nationalist podcast on Real America’s Voice, discussed the evangelical community with the former guy.

“At least as it stands now, some of these prominent evangelical leaders who backed you last time, they are not yet willing to commit, like Robert Jeffress has not, some others,” Brody said. “It seems like many of them are waiting to see how the field takes shape before backing anyone. What is your message to them?” Brody asked.

“I don’t really care. look, that’s a sign of disloyalty,” Trump said. “There’s a great disloyalty in the world of politics and that’s a sign of disloyalty.”

Trump first says he doesn’t care and then he does.

“Because nobody, as you know and you would know more than anybody — nobody has ever done more for right to life than Donald Trump,” Trump said.

Speaking in the third person is not a good look. Trump then bragged how he got three Supreme Court justices to overturn Roe V Wade. They won, Roe v Wade, they won,” he said.

“I was a little disappointed because I thought they could’ve fought much harder during the election, the ’22 election,” he said

Trump is not only bashing Christian nationalist leaders like Jeffress, but he’s also attacking the base of his party, evangelical MAGA cult members.

Trump seems to believe that if Christians had protested more, they would have won big in the midterms.

“There’s nobody that’s done more for the movement that I have,” Trump said again.

It was Mitch McConnell that stole the highest court away from the American people and turned it into a kangaroo court outfitted with pro-life wackos who lied to get their appointments.

This won’t play well for the MAGA cult if Trump keeps bashing his base. But Trump always needs a scapegoat when he loses or feels threatened.


January 2023