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Ron Johnson, Your Freudian Slip Is Showing

Senator Ron Johnson was doing lapse on the damage control after Chuck Todd savaged him on Sunday’s Meet The Press. One of the stops he made was Newsmax where RoJo tried to explain away why he wasn’t investigating Jared Kushner. In the process, he exposed his true motivation:

Chuck [Todd] asked me why aren’t you looking into Jared Kushner? I don’t have to! The press has done all the damage they possibly could do to the Trump family. They will investigate any kind of wrongdoing by the Trump family. What’s not being investigated by the media – and we need the media to hold both sides equally accountable – they’re not going to look into the Bidens. They’re not going to look into the Democrats.

In other words, RoJo isn’t interested in pursuing justice. He’s only interested in doing political damage to Joe Biden buy using his family against him. Even worse, he doesn’t want to do it himself. He wants the media to do the GOP’s dirty work for them.

However, it should be noted that there are some basic facts that RoJo is omitting in his complaints. One, the media is not investigating the Trump family. What the media is doing is reporting on the investigations into the Trump family. The investigators range from District Attorneys to state Attorney Generals to the January 6th Commission to the USDOJ, including Merrick Garland and Special Prosecutor Jack Smith. And if any damage was done to the Trump family, they did it to themselves when they chose to pursue criminal activities.

If RoJo is so dead set to investigate Hunter Biden, there are proper ways to do it. But even if Hunter Biden did commit crimes, he was never a paid government official like Jared Kushner and any crimes were committed before Joe Biden was president. Again, that is only something the Trump Klan wish they could claim.

But since we’re already talking about investigations, what I would really like to see, both as an American and a Wisconsinite, is an investigation into RoJo trying to commit treason by handing slates of fake electors to then Vice-President Mike Pence. I mean, after all, he’s already admitted to what he did. It would only be a matter of proving that his actions were criminal and deciding on an appropriate consequence. I hear Gitmo is lovely this time of year.


January 2023