Home » Seditionist Scott Perry Slams Nancy Pelosi For Getting Things Done

Seditionist Scott Perry Slams Nancy Pelosi For Getting Things Done

Invoking Frederick Douglass on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos,
seditionist Scott Perry claimed to be “for the people” by jamming up Congress so no work can be done.

I just have to ask: Why on EARTH would ABC News put this liar on their air when there is hard evidence that he was part of the January 6th insurrection? And just two days after the anniversary, and just one day after he and his lying seditionist cohorts held out on the Speaker’s race in order to force McCarthy to let them interfere in the investigation of their sedition? And WHY, given all of those circumstances, would GSteph sit there like a fool and nod while Perry slams the former Speaker of the House for running the House “like a prison camp.”

If, by a “prison camp,” he means that Speaker emerita Pelosi ran a tight ship where she had the votes counted before bringing bills to the floor so as not to waste people’s time with meaningless votes and revotes over four days, then I guess okay?

This is where I remind you that Scott Perry — designated head of the Freedom Caucus (which really stands for freedom for billionaires and their pals while the rest of us toil our lives away so they can play) — is up to his ears in the insurrection, had his phone seized by the FBI, has text messages with Mark Meadows about overturning the election, and is about as “populist” as Donald Lumpy Trump’s right thumb.

Yet he chose to invoke this Frederick Douglass quote: “Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never has and it never will.”

“This was never about Kevin McCarthy. This is about power for the American people,” he continued. “And with all due respect, Nancy Pelosi ran the Congress like a prison camp.”

Instead of actually pushing back, or making Perry explain exactly what he meant, Stephanopoulos just jumped right to the next question, asking about the debt limit. Whatever Perry may have said about that is largely irrelevant, since we all know the Freedom Caucus would like to plunge the country into chaos and the global economy into a depression in order for his billionaires and benefactors to suck up whatever wealth other people have.

Nancy Pelosi was onto their obstructionism and made sure she had the votes without their input. Or treason.

Rhetoric like Perry’s is ridiculous. But what’s even more ridiculous is how they just let it all go. Worse yet, instead of having a Democrat on the panel to push back, the other panelist was Andy Biggs.


January 2023