Home » Pat Toomey: Trump Is Toast In The GOP

Pat Toomey: Trump Is Toast In The GOP

Retiring Republican Senator from Pennsylvania Pat Toomey, whose seat was lost to John Fetterman (D) over Dr. Oz, told CNN that Trump’s hold over the GOP is finally waning.

“It’s not hard to figure out what one man you’re talking about there. Do you think Republicans are increasingly receptive to that message? Do you think Donald Trump’s hold on your party is finally slipping?” Jake Tapper asked.

“Absolutely I do. First, I think his influence was waning, not as quickly as I had hoped it would, but I think it was waning,” Toomey replied. “But the election outcome from last month I think dramatically accelerates the waning, and, frankly, his unbelievably terrible rollout of his re-election, well his election campaign is also not helping him.”

Toomey also noted that since many other Republicans are talking about running in 2024, that’s a true indicator of Trump’s weakened state.

“I’ve heard from many, many formally very pro-Trump voters that they think it’s time for our party to move on. So, yes, I think that process is under way,” Toomey said. “It’s not a flip of a switch. It doesn’t happen overnight. He still has a significant following, that’s for sure. but I do think his influence is waning.”

That’s apparent to anyone not in the MAGA cult.

For Toomey, it had to kill him to be forced to watch Dr. Oz flail in all his efforts to get elected to Congress, thanks to Trump’s endorsement. For the rest of us, it was pure joy.


December 2022