Home » The ‘Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse’ Trailer Is Perfect

The ‘Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse’ Trailer Is Perfect

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is one of the most anticipated films of 2023—and for good reason. The sequel to 2018’s Oscar-winning Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse looks to expand upon its unique brand of kinetic animation, comic-book action, and hugely heartwarming storytelling.

Plus, the multiverse is really in right now, and no one does it better than Spider-Verse, with its near-infinite number of Spider-Mans. (Spider-Men?)

In the movie’s first full-length trailer, we’re jumping back into that multiverse, as Miles Morales (Shameik Moore) and Gwen Stacy (Hailee Steinfeld) must save the world from interdimensional peril once more. It’s a neon-colored, emotional, kaleidoscopic look at the most appealing superhero world on film right now. The trailer previews Miles, Gwen, and several other new Spider-Men dashing through space and time, with some appearances from the last film’s OG Peter Parker (Jake Johnson), too.

But what this trailer does best is emphasize that the Spider-Verse series is about family first and foremost. Underlined by narration from Miles’ mom, Rio (Luna Lauren Vélez), the series’ themes are laid bare. I’m going to transcribe the whole thing, because it made me emotional, and it’ll get you, too:

“For years, I’ve been taking care of this little boy, making sure he’s loved, that he feels like he belongs wherever he wants to be. He wants to go out into the world and do great, big things. And what I worry about most is that they won’t look out for you like us. Wherever you go from here, you have to promise to take care of that little boy for me. Make sure he never forgets where he came from, and he never doubts that he’s loved, and he never lets anyone tell him that he doesn’t belong there. You gotta promise Miles.”

Promise he does, before the film cuts to Miles-as-Spidey racing across a multiversal highway as other Spider-Mans chase after him, thrashing him to the ground. Looks like Rio was right to worry—but then again, a mother always knows. Especially the mother of a teen superhero.

There’s nothing like a coming-of-age story; it’s why teenage Spider-Man is the best superhero. (I’m right, and I won’t hear any naysayers.) Miles is wrestling with the concerns of his loved ones and the deliciousness of having superpowers, and the first part of this two-part story will pit those contending forces right against each other. But Across the Spider-Verse, with the trailer’s single monologue, has already proven that it’s going to ace that balance. There’s truly nothing else like it, even if this trailer is just a small snippet of what’s to come.

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse hits theaters June 2, 2023.


December 2022