Home » Trump Losing To DeSantis In 2024 Matchup

Trump Losing To DeSantis In 2024 Matchup

To paraphrase the great Bob Dylan, you really don’t need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing with Republicans for 2024.

Source: Yahoo News

A new Yahoo News/YouGov poll finds that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis now leads former President Donald Trump by 5 percentage points in the race for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination.

Trump previously led DeSantis by double-digit margins among registered voters who describe themselves as Republicans or Republican-leaning independents.

Meanwhile, DeSantis is ahead by even more — a whopping 11 points — among Americans who say they voted in a 2016 Republican primary or caucus in their state.

The poll of 1,635 U.S. adults, which was conducted from Dec. 1 to 5, is one of the first to confirm how far and fast Trump’s political stock has fallen in the weeks since he announced his own comeback White House bid just days after his party’s historically poor performance in the 2022 midterm elections. During that period, many conservatives blamed Trump for blowing key pickup opportunities — including this week’s Senate runoff in Georgia — and criticized the former president for hosting avowed antisemites at Mar-a-Lago and calling for the “termination” of the Constitution.

And the dramatic shift has been entirely since the midterms and Trump’s disastrous announcement. DeSantis has not officially entered the race yet.

When asked in mid-October who they “would rather see” as the 2024 GOP presidential nominee, 45% of registered voters who are Republicans or Republican leaners said Trump. Thirty-six percent said DeSantis.

Asked now which of the two candidates they would “vote for” if their state’s primary or caucus were held today, the same group says DeSantis by a 47% to 42% margin — a net swing of 14 percentage points in DeSantis’s direction over the span of six eventful weeks.


December 2022