Home » Rudy Giuliani Appears Before DC Bar Over His Challenges To 2020 Election

Rudy Giuliani Appears Before DC Bar Over His Challenges To 2020 Election

Former Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani began the first day of his trial in front of the DC Bar over his 2020 election fraud actions and allegations.

In June of this year, the DC bar brought ethics charges against Giuliani over hia promotion of unsubstantiated election fraud accusations in a Pennsylvania federal court.

Today he began defending his actions to the bar in an effort to defend the indefensible.

Giuliani was forced to explain to the bar what he was planning and doing to try and throw out thousands upon thousands of legal votes across the country, using Pennsylvania as his test case.

“My role was to show in Pennsylvania had followed the same set of eight or 10 suspicious actions, illegal actions, whatever you want to call them – irregular actions – that could not have been the product of accident,” Giuliani said, while suggesting that the goal was proving a conspiracy across many states.

Hamilton Fox, the DC Bar’s Disciplinary Counsel said at the start of the proceedings that Giuliani was “responsible for filing a frivolous action asking a federal court to deprive millions of the people in Pennsylvania of their right to vote.”

Let’s hope Rudy gets what he deserves.

Giuliani already has had his law license suspended in New York state.

“We conclude that there is uncontroverted evidence that respondent communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump’s failed effort at reelection in 2020,” a five-judge New York Supreme Court appellate panel concluded in a per curiam opinion issued Thursday.

The court panel said this interim suspension is reserved for the most serious violations of misconduct.

Of that, Rudy is certainly guilty.


December 2022