Home » Bannon’s Show Goes Off The Rails After Guest Hits Him With Facts

Bannon’s Show Goes Off The Rails After Guest Hits Him With Facts

Disgraced former Trump adviser Steve Bannon is playing from the MAGA playbook, denying that the 2020 election was legitimate while fully being aware that it wasn’t rigged.

Earlier this month, Stop the Steal group leader Ali Alexander said the quiet part out loud, admitting that “Any election I don’t like is stolen.”

“If I don’t like it, it’s stolen,” he added. “If I like it, it’s not stolen.”

Bannon is doing the same thing. He’s not a stupid guy. He knows how to manipulate gullible Trump supporters. Bannon ripped off Trump supporters, then the one-term President pardoned him, and his supporters were someone pleased with that. So, Bannon has some easy marks out there.

On Wednesday, Republican strategist Athan Koutsiouroumbas didn’t support the big lie and explained that there had been no fraud in Pennsylvania’s midterm elections.

“Ultimately, things didn’t go the right way in Pennsylvania,” Koutsiouroumbas said. “And the reason was because Republicans didn’t vote.”

“There is no evidence of any fraud that I’ve seen in Delaware County,” he continued.

“They’re just not going to be able to pull it off,” he said. “It’s baked-in voter ID that Republicans have been begging for in Pennsylvania for years. And voter ID is an 80-20 issue in Pennsylvania. We have it today with mail-in ballots, and Republicans need to start using it.”

Bannon returned from a commercial break and said his audience wasn’t happy with Koutsiouroumbas for claiming there was no election fraud.

“I understand the audience,” Bannon said. “I’ve got it. People’s heads are blowing up. Take a deep breath. It’s the first step of a journey.”

Bannon’s audience wasn’t taking his advice and instead expressed outrage.

Via Raw Story:

“There’s fraud somewhere!” one person wrote.

“This guy with Bannon is a phony,” another said.

“WTF! It’s Wednesday PsyOp day,” one viewer complained.


They’re being played. It’s just that simple.


November 2022