Home » Donald Trump Jr. Stands Up for Qatar’s Horrific Anti-LGBTQ Laws

Donald Trump Jr. Stands Up for Qatar’s Horrific Anti-LGBTQ Laws

The FIFA World Cup Soccer tournament, the world’s largest sporting event (for those unaware) is being played in Qatar this year. The choice was beyond controversial from the moment Qatar was chosen. FIFA is known to be one of the most corrupt entities in sports, and people accused Qatar of paying off board members to get the event. One of the most controversial aspects of playing in Qatar is the fact that it is against the law to even be LGBTQ. The players of nearly every team are wearing armbands in protest, and the U.S. has been one of the loudest. But Donald Trump Jr. thinks we need to be quiet because our record is worse.

After turning a blind eye to pedophilia & the sexualization of our children as well as forcing vaccinations upon people against their will & with severe consequences etc the West has really ceded the moral high ground to b*tch about Qatar enforcing their beliefs at the World Cup.

Given that everything Don Jr. says these days is an intentional insult of the left, we’re left to believe that the left somehow turns a “blind eye” to pedophilia. Stop right there. What is he saying? Is he buying into the Q-anon conspiracy theory? Or is referencing the more mainstream “grooming” accusation? Either way, this is the type of statement that leads to stochastic terrorism of the type we saw in Colorado Springs, Hatred of a demonized group leading to lone wolf action.

The “sexualization of our children” has to be associated with the “Don’t say gay” stuff. The forced vaccinations? No one was forced. If you wanted to stay in the armed forces, attend certain events, or work in certain places, yes – it was mandatory. Vaccinations have been mandatory for public schools and the military (as well as a lot of jobs) for fifty years, at least. They were mandatory without controversy because it was common sense, just like COVID.

But it is not “common sense” to outlaw LGBTQ people’s right to love who they love and simply be a “person” with equal dignity as everyone else, and you can bet your bass that the United States does have the moral authority and should use it to try to change these horrific practices.


November 2022