Picture: what trump’s foot soldiers caused to be necessary due to Jan 6, 2021
I don’t normally consider myself an expert on anything, especially not politics. However watching the so-called grassroots “MAGA” cult, I am coming to a conclusion. I have far more political savvy and understanding of what is actually going on than some. First of all, MAGA is not about making America great. In terms of civil liberty and human rights, we have been improving. The MAGA cult is a rejection of that, and a desire to impose all sorts of limitations on who is a US citizen of equal status.
The base perhaps should be forgiven. They are usually people in rural areas for the most part who don’t understand the diversity of a truly great nation. Most likely, they live in a town or in rural areas where everybody is just them. For the most part, that means White, heterosexual, and conservative Christians. (although some of those “Christians” would more rightly be called the Christian Taliban)
So then along comes demagogues like the former occupant of the White House. He used that “distrust for others” to rile up people who feel, for whatever reason as though if anybody from another demographic gets any respect as a citizen, it reduces theirs. There is absolutely no reason that the LGBTQ, Hispanic, Islamic, conservative Christians, and everybody else can’t live in the same country. And it is my hope and dream that, regardless of this setback, we will arrive there someday soon.
All it requires is that everybody minds their own business. Let’s use the abortion issue as an example. Conservatives, do you want to provide tax dollars for all those fetuses that you want to legally force to be carried to term? My opinion is that the answer to that question is no. So then, the solution is to leave it up to the individual who finds herself pregnant as to what her solution is. Certainly, those whose health, even life, is in danger should be able to get an abortion. Nobody is trying to force “you” to have an abortion, just extend the same freedom to those who want one.
So that is my answer for the angst of the individuals. It is the closest I can come to actually have some sympathy. Why people don’t understand “mind your own business”, I don’t get it, but I do have some understanding of just being frightened or put off by something you don’t understand.
What I have patience with, and don’t end to pretend to have, is the leaders of this MAGA cult. We now have a majority of “republicans” but sadly, the republicans of the John McCain variety, who regardless of whatever else one might say about him, have to be acknowledged as not being a total bigot. Even when his audience members at his political gatherings tried to discredit Obama by saying he was not American, McCain shut the guy down. He said, as is perfectly correct, two people can disagree on many political issues but there is no reason to make up lies and form conspiracy theories in order to discredit them.
That’s not the MAGA leadership way, however. We are now moving into a two-year people, where fortunately we still have a democratic majority Senate and a President who is a Democrat, otherwise, all we would see in Congress would be the House “republicans” (I put that in quotations because McCain, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger were/are Republicans, these people aren’t) engaging in revenge porn.
I tried to google tonight to see if the Republican Main Street group got any moderate GOP members in. I couldn’t find any, although we may luck out and have a few. Certainly, the smaller the majority, the better the effect of even one or two will be PROVIDED they are strong-willed enough to stand up to the crazies in the House, the Boeberts, the Greenes, and the Jim Jordans.
But before we go further on that, let’s look at how Senate Republicans find it so easy to drop any opinion except the MAGA bullcrap sponsored by trump which fueled, via conspiracy theories and just simple LIES, a mass of foot soldiers, including the domestic terrorist groups, the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers to try to overthrow the valid government of the United States.
Here’s Lindsay Graham:
Wow, it sounds like Lindsay doesn’t like trump. Yes, he is running against him so some might put this down (I have seen them try to do it) as simple campaign rhetoric. However, we have to remember that until 2016, Lindsay’s best friend was none other than John McCain. The question what changed between the primary and after trump got in?? Did trump stop being a racist, or at least appealing to the racists (remember David Duke and the Charlotteville “Jews won’t replace us people)? Did he stop demonizing John McCain? So what changed?
What changed is that John McCain was sick and subsequently died. That meant Lindsay was on his own and apparently didn’t have enough personal backbone so he had to become a trump worshiper. Then he flipped again when trump fueled the attempted coup, and then again went right back to bowing and groveling to trump.
Conclusion: apparently Lindsay has no backbone or real moral integrity except what others provide him with…and since his new “hero” is as bad as he is, that means integrity is in very short supply.
Then there was Ted Cruz
Exactly, Ted. Good for you. When someone attacks someone you love, someone you have children with, someone you live your life with, that is beyond the pale. You go. I agree, that is totally unforgivable. It’s one thing to attack me, but NOT my spouse or children. You go, Ted!!
When he went all right. In a few months, and not that many at that, he was hanging on to trump’s shirttail. Oh, did trump insult my wife?? Oh, how funny, my wife laughed at that silly little comment as did I. Oh wow, what courage, what loyalty, what backbone. Yeah right, you bowed to political advantage and “laughed off” an insult to the one you love because it was expedient. That’s right, the word is expedient. That is NOT a moral stand, that is bowing to the way the wind is blowing at the moment.
Meanwhile, I agree with the sentiment expressed in the video. Ask me what happened with a bar and a restaurant that treated my life partner insulting. Never mind, I will answer the question. I NEVER entered either of those two places again, even after the life partner was willing to accept an invitation from a third party to meet at that same restaurant. I was not, NOT willing to enter the restaurant that had mistreated Roy. In fact, I cringe at even the thought of entering any of that chain of restaurants was part of. Is that overboard? Maybe, but it is how I roll. I don’t suppose they miss my business but my heart says “never go there.”
Unlike the MAGA politicians, I don’t compromise my principles. I also don’t back down, unless I decide I was wrong about something. Unlike many, I do know how to apologize and often find myself doing so. But if you think you are going to talk me into changing my mind about anything, you better talk with plenty of actual news media to back you up, and that does not include conspiracy rags and extreme right-wing talking points such as those used by many of the people on the site that I have posted longest to. Yes, I have visited some of those sites, and without fail, they always use assumptions that I reject. In fact, when they call something “evil”, I usually decide the “evil party” must be doing something right. In fact, that is how I found one of the sites listed below. I have already signed up to receive emailed updates from them, and I suspect I will be donating money at some point.
So what can we expect from the House? Well, the minority is not going to be allowed to do much. The majority seems determined to engage in revenge porn over the fact that a committee was formed to investigate the attempted coup, based on a lie told by the occupant of the White House, that the vote was stolen. Gosh, if the Democrats stole the election, why the heck did as many republicans get in as did? We, the American people, came out in droves to get rid of a man who was destroying the civility of the country and engaging in foolish attacks on our own people and siding, as often as not, with a foreign government (Russia). I was one of that 81 million that voted against him, just as I was one of those majority of the popular vote that voted against him in 2016. The electoral college is the ONLY reason, he ever occupied that seat. (yes, yes, i know “that’s the system”)
So what does the “new Republican party” intend to provide us, the American people with? Two simple words. REVENGE PORN. Here is a partial list of those they intend to attack. Oh, I am sorry, I mean to say “investigate”.
1. the Southern Border: Rather than actually trying to get a bill together to do something about whatever they think is wrong at the southern border, they are going to spend their time trying to assign blame for whatever is wrong. Personally, I think the major thing that they think is wrong is that brown people are coming across the border. I doubt if it were people from Great Britain, they would have anywhere near the problem. But let’s not do anything about anything, let us just point fingers. REVENGE PORN!!!!
2. The Afghanistan Withdrawal: Ok, that’s Biden’s fault so let’s investigate it. Hmmm, seems to me that deal was made by trump. Biden simply agreed with that particular decision (and I might say so did I) and followed through. Oh, and aren’t some of you MAGA cult members always fussing about all the wars the US gets itself into and stays in? But let’s investigate…beats the heck out of actually working for the American people. REVENGE PORN!!!!
3. The origin of the Covid virus: Ok, what the heck does this mean? Does this mean what it says? I already have the answer. However it started, it was a virus. It started in Wuhan China and it, like viruses does spread. So what is to be investigated? Are they going to go to China and try to find out what the factory in Wuhan did or did not do? More than likely they are going to try to make it Biden’s fault. REVENGE PORN!!!!
4. Jim Jordan wants to investigate the DOJ and likely the Jan 6th committee and everybody that has asked how close to actually overthrowing our government, the MAGA foot soldiers actually got. But of course, investigating that travesty is not the travesty. That is kind of like an unfaithful spouse using the old saw “but why did you check on me” to try to gaslight the person he was cheating on. Definite and without any doubt TOTAL REVENGE PORN.
5. Hunter Biden: Yep, Maga politicians, that’s a good way to not do anything and waste time. Hunter Biden, unlike Ivanka and Jared, was not involved in the government; in Jared’s case, because trump bullied the folks in charge into giving him an unsecured security pass. (but let’s not even suggest that is questionable, let’s go after a person unrelated to the government instead) REVENGE PORN!!!’
6. Dr. Fauci: (this one they might have dropped but don’t be surprised if they come back with it) Here is lots of fun for the revenge porn team. They can investigate why Fauci actually suggested taking the vaccinations. (maybe because it saved lives — -no, surely not) Let’s investigate the idiotic conspiracy theories involved. Did he create the virus? No, well maybe he…….(blank) REVENGE PORN!!!
The good thing about this is that maybe, just maybe, when these people get through with this list of waste of time issues, some more of the base will wake the heck up….or give up, I don’t much care which.
Gosh, don’t be too shocked if they spend time discussing whether to investigate Greene’s theory about Jewish Space Lasers. We aren’t going to get anything that benefits the American people but we sure are going to get to enjoy some gorgeous revenge porn for those of us who are into that.
Recently, one of the MAGA followers who used to be my friend (as long as I didn’t stand up against her) told me on another blog that they had decided that I was indeed their enemy. I didn’t say anything but thought about saying “Thanks. I consider that a compliment considering the bilge I have seen your supporting”. And to prove that, I want to thank the folks who believe ALL the conspiracy theories over on AmericanThinker for providing me with the information for my next addition to my list of groups to donate to, Facts First USA. I suspect there will be a lot of work for them to debunk the crap that the majority in the House is going to try to foist into the American heart and mind. Somebody needs to remember facts, more now in the age of Conspiracy Theory journalism than ever.